Module 2: Developing Social - Personal Qualities and Creating Safe and Healthy School Environment

Developing personal and social qualities among the students

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Developing personal and social qualities among the students
by - Tuesday, 4 August 2020, 9:55 AM

Man is a social animal. So he can not lead an isolated life. For that he should develop acceptable behaviours when he leads independent life after school. So we have to take care in developing positive and healthy qualities to deal with teachers and friends even to other persons around he lives. Ex.helping nature patientnlistening to elders to be active in all his understanding of the people way of expressing things in positive mannee.Firat of àll teacher must be careful in guiding young minds as they form perceptionabin earlier stage of their life. When they are in the school everything seem to guide them in each step carefully by the teachers.

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Re: Developing personal and social qualities among the students
by - Sunday, 9 August 2020, 6:19 AM

teacher has to be a role model. children emulate their teachers. they will do what the teacher does rather than what the teacher tells.