Module 5: Health and Well-being in Schools

what type of activities helps in the development of physical fitness?

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what type of activities helps in the development of physical fitness?
by - Monday, 7 September 2020, 3:11 PM

The components of physical fit ness are as follows

STRENGTH : It may be defined as the ability  of the muscle  to over come  resistance  or act  against  resistance . Push ups  and standing  broad jump helps in developing strength.

SPEED : It is measured  by rate of movements .Speed is the ability of a child  to cover a certain distance  in a minimum possible time . For example, how much time does a child require  for 20- 50 meters sprint on a plane surface?

Endurance _ It is defined as the ability to perform movements for longer duration under the condition of fatigue(tiredness).

Flexibility _ It is defined  as the ability  to perform movement with greater amplitude (wide range) or in  other words  it may be defined as the range of movement possible around a specific limb joint,or even the body  as a whole .Sit and Reach Test helps in developing flexibility.

Agility _ It pertains  to ability for making quick movements(ability to change). A 4x10 meters shuttle -run test may be organised to check the agility of students.