Module 2: Developing Social - Personal Qualities and Creating Safe and Healthy School Environment

Check my feedback about Module 3

  का चित्र
Check my feedback about Module 3
by - शुक्रवार , 7 अगस्त 2020, 3:04 अपराह्न

Good Morning to All NRGs..
I bring some points about the content related in Module 3.
1. The Video about "Violence and Harassment" is not convey the explained only the Trustworthiness only.. it's a possibility to visualise better.
2. In Quiz the questions are not analytical..all have direct answers.
3. In Quiz not consider all the topics like promotion of use of Internet etc. 
But asked two questions from Yoga.
4. In one question about Yoga one picture are some thing is missing.
5.we discussed Safe school or Safety and security in Schools repeatedly in two modules in different concepts.i think it's better to discuss in one unit .
6. Not clarity  about the topic CORE STRENGTHS.

This is all my opinions and Views..
For better understanding about the Course..and learn concepts in a exemplary way from the National platform.