Module 2: Developing Social - Personal Qualities and Creating Safe and Healthy School Environment

Developing social personal qualities among children is not an easy task. If teachers can do this there is no need of thinking about value education. Do you agree with me.

  का चित्र
Developing social personal qualities among children is not an easy task. If teachers can do this there is no need of thinking about value education. Do you agree with me.
by - बुधवार , 5 अगस्त 2020, 12:20 अपराह्न

If teachers are able to develop social  personal qualities among children we need not think about value education. Do you agree with this statement.

  का चित्र
Re: Developing social personal qualities among children is not an easy task. If teachers can do this there is no need of thinking about value education. Do you agree with me.
by - गुरुवार , 6 अगस्त 2020, 11:29 अपराह्न

             Yes exactly what u said about this PSQ.Every where not only in school and also in society if a child develops personal social qualities sensitivity,care,acceptance,care,cooperation,sympathy,empathy become a idol person in society.Like that we have to teach and make our children.This should be happen only in classroom world.Teachers only mould children in a healthy school environment with their concern towards children.

  का चित्र
Re: Developing social personal qualities among children is not an easy task. If teachers can do this there is no need of thinking about value education. Do you agree with me.
by - बुधवार , 12 अगस्त 2020, 5:08 अपराह्न

Dear sir,

the purpose of schooling is to develop a harmonious, healthy, safe society. But when the system is running after early production, unhealthy competition, over exceptions from the children, no dignity of labour, developing false prestige.. many other factors are obstructing in creating and maintaining healthy relationship between the school and the society. when there is an option for the parent to choose a school, there develops the unhealthy competition.....

in my opinion making education only as a public system... we may achieve wonders..