Module 2: Developing Social - Personal Qualities and Creating Safe and Healthy School Environment

Developing personal and social qualities among the students

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Developing personal and social qualities among the students
by - Tuesday, 4 August 2020, 7:04 PM

Good evening Madam,

                   Yesterday I watched the programme through you tube link,immediately I also watch the videos,ppts and read the module off line which I down load

                As teacher we develop positive attitude among the students through we follow. we have to know the family back ground of every student then only we can share feelings on a right way,then they trust us.

          we teachers have to identify emotions like excitement,worry, care, anger. happiness etc.As a teacher if we empthaies with students we can understand their frustrations  anger ,helplessness, indifference ,fear and all other such emotions

        As teachers we need to ensure that what we are saying is understood by  all the students irrespective of their individual differences.It is possible when we have effective communication skills

        As teachers we should be aware of our own thoughts, feelings, actions towards the students.We have to show consistency in words actions and feelings

          Our role in building and strengthening the bond between  ours and students is very important.

          Sensitivity and care when expressed through  verbal and non verbal  behaviour by us  conveys  for understanding for each other strengths and weakness

                     Thanking you