Module 4: School Based Assessment


  का चित्र
by - सोमवार , 3 फ़रवरी 2020, 3:03 अपराह्न

(SBA) School Based Assessment learning objectives.This module help us to understand the genesis and insurance of school school based Assessment ,familiarise with learner centered.Assessment improve the quality, Evaluation is Judge the quality.

Features of school Based Assessment 1.Repeated many time i,e,Assessment for learning and Assessment as learning assessment of learning.

2.Take care of all round development of learners. 

Major shift in Assessment process. 

Teacher centre 

 Recipient of assessment focuss is a learning product and out come focus is on knowing learning deficit.

Learner centered 

Participants focus is on learning process and experiences focus on strength ability and needs. 

Change in Approach 



2.Indivisual learning 

3.knowning fact 

4.short investigations

5.Passive role in learning 

6.Getting an answer 

7.Assessing discrete knowledge 

8.Teacher as authority 


1.Investigation of questions 

2.Collaborative learning 

3.Understanding concepts 

4.Long term investigation 

5.Learning by doing 

6.Interesting evidence 

7.Assessing understanding 

8.Teacher as co-constructure of knowledge.