Module 5: Health and Well-being in Schools

Health & Well Being

  का चित्र
Health & Well Being
by - गुरुवार , 9 जनवरी 2020, 7:19 पूर्वाह्न

This message relates to the overall understanding about being healthy and overall wellness. Hope members from all group may participate in this forum but especially I want that the Karnataka KRPs to respond and participate as the batch II of NISHTHA is going to start today.

Following issue are important for discussion: 

1. How perspectives of society can be changed about involvement of students in games and sports in a more intense way?

2. Substance abuse (use of alcohol, tobacco and other narcotic drugs) is very common among youth including school children. What kind of strategies are to be adopted to curb this?

3. In order to have respect and sensitivity to opposite gender, what kind of sensitisation activities among school children are expected to be adopted?

  का चित्र
Re: Health & Well Being
by - शुक्रवार , 10 जनवरी 2020, 3:35 अपराह्न

It is once again requested to members of KRPs to visit NISHTHA portal and be an active participants of the discussion forum. There are three questions posted by me on this topic. Members of NRG across the country are requested to be regular member of the forum and participate.

  का चित्र
Re: Health & Well Being
by - गुरुवार , 6 अगस्त 2020, 8:55 अपराह्न

sir, this kind situation evolved due to intense unhealthy competition created mostly by private/corporate schools with their propaganda, culprit practices and commercial motive priorities, leaving the crucial aspect of education- overall development of individual and the society. Controlling their role or influence  can help get rid of the problem some how besides other efforts to aware parents.

bhupati munichandra

  का चित्र
Re: Health & Well Being
by - मंगलवार , 21 जनवरी 2020, 1:36 अपराह्न

S sir Surelly