Module 11: Pedagogy of Science (Upper Primary Stage)


  का चित्र
by - बुधवार , 11 सितम्बर 2019, 11:44 पूर्वाह्न

How can the process of learning science be helpful in dealing day to day life problems?

  का चित्र
Re: Science
by - सोमवार , 14 अक्टूबर 2019, 10:05 अपराह्न

Nutrition of food eaten and availability of it.

Thermo transfer when cooking.

center gravity when hanging a curtain rod.

  का चित्र
Re: Science
by - सोमवार , 14 अक्टूबर 2019, 10:09 अपराह्न

  का चित्र
Re: Science
by - सोमवार , 4 नवम्बर 2019, 12:47 पूर्वाह्न

First we should stop thinking that science is a subject to study. Instead think that science is what our life in and around. Science is the zoom in of our day today routines. It tends to answer many Whys and Hows. 

Science teaches us from what we're made of to how the whole universe is functioning. On learning science I could handle electricity, I could find my nutritional diet chart, I could reason out calamities, I could use fuels and other energy sources effectively, I could avoid harmful chemical compounds and find good one from food to cosmetics, I could medicate my ailments, I'm accessing the whole world through science and a lot many to list