Module 15: Pre-Vocational Educational

  का चित्र
by - सोमवार , 10 अगस्त 2020, 7:01 अपराह्न

The National Education Policy 2020 has propounded that pre-vocational exposure should be given to students in Grades 6-8 and vocational subjects should be introduced from Grades 9-12. Vocational education need to be given special attention in preparing children for work and life.

1. What is your opinion on the integration of pre-vocational education with general education from Grades 6 to 8? How is it going to help students in making an informed career choice?  

2. What are the challenges that the schools will face in implementing pre-vocational education? 

3. How foundational and cognitive skills can be integrated with general education to prepare students as lifelong learners? 

4. What kind of professional training needs to be provided to teachers for preparing them to conduct pre-vocational activities?