Module 16: Relevance of Gender Dimensions in Teaching and Learning Process Edit section name

Decreasing Gender bias

  का चित्र
Decreasing Gender bias
by - गुरुवार , 6 अगस्त 2020, 3:38 अपराह्न

It is evident that gradually gender bias is decreasing in the society since women are also participating in all sectors/roles of development process. Considering our schools also in some of the school/classes the girls enrollment is slightly or moderately over the boys and not only in quantity but also in academic performance when boys are far behind. We need to have a balanced view on this sensitive issue by understanding the changing contexts. Imbalance of any role leads to conflict. Awareness of the role helps to overcome the issues. 

Let us think old generations in agriculture families they never thought of discrimination since all are busy with their roles and mutually understood each others leading no scope for such conflicts. Consequently harmony prevails in family and society i.e. exactly Indian culture practiced/showcased and transmitted across generations. That is why we do not feel the need of guns for the safety and security unlike western world.

bhupati munichandra