Module 2: Developing Social - Personal Qualities and Creating Safe and Healthy School Environment

Health & Well-being of schools

  का चित्र
Health & Well-being of schools
by - बुधवार , 5 अगस्त 2020, 10:10 अपराह्न

Today for some schools are facing their own health issues- physically damaged its infrastructure, socially eliminated by certain sect of people, emotionally disturbed since it cannot control unwanted happenings like thefts, alcoholic drinking in its premises, not stable with sufficient no. of students & teachers and unable to express its feeling freely and lastly mentally struggling how it regain its past glory to contribute optimally to the nation/ for all. School with its true spirit is always ready irrespective of its age to serve /already served to the community but in turn it is neglected and not respected by the people. we hope and let us work to regain its health an well-being of schools.

bhupati munichandra