Module 2: Developing Social - Personal Qualities and Creating Safe and Healthy School Environment

Sesitivity, Sympathy and empathy

  का चित्र
Sesitivity, Sympathy and empathy
by - बुधवार , 5 अगस्त 2020, 4:07 अपराह्न

How can a teacher in large classrooms have this, sympathy and empathy? 

  का चित्र
Re: Sesitivity, Sympathy and empathy
by - रविवार , 9 अगस्त 2020, 6:44 पूर्वाह्न

sensitivity and empathy are not qualities that can be switched off and on at will  these are qualities that we need to develop so that they become  a part of us. once a part of our usual responding pattern , we will not face much of a difficulty in in most situations be it a large group or a one to one interaction. therefore, we as teachers need to always be sensitive and empathetic. there is no other way. yes, we can work on ways to communicate it in the large classes. one way to do it is to keep communication channels open. the other is to discuss certain issues that are relevant to all children in the class so as to manage problems that are being faced by several children together. sensitivity and empathy are infused in the environment by following simple rules like allowing the children to express and not ridiculing or judging the way they think and feel about events, not jumping to conclusions for behaviours that may appear in appropriate etc