Module 15: Pre-Vocational Educational

Pre -vocations education

  का चित्र
Pre -vocations education
by - मंगलवार , 4 फ़रवरी 2020, 7:54 अपराह्न

Some students needs some support in their learning so many vocational courses are made available for them in different education institution along with accommodation.similarly pre vocational courses and curricuLam are being made for the better education of the children .

  का चित्र
Re: Pre -vocations education
by - सोमवार , 7 सितम्बर 2020, 8:16 पूर्वाह्न

Yes, we need to provide information to the students on the various tasks being performed by the skilled workers in different occupations so that students are able to make informed choice of the vocation on the basis of their aspirations and abilities. 

Every child is special and as Teachers we need to provide them the right information at the right time. 

Pre-vocational Education from Classes  6 to 8 will help them to get exposed to a variety of vocations in the world of work.